The Mid-Career GPS Podcast
How will you figure out what is next for you and your career? Building a Mid-Career GPS to create that next promotion, finding a new job, building your network, and crushing your next interview are just some topics we cover on The Mid-Career GPS Podcast.
John Neral had a mid-career moment that changed his path and direction. Building a Mid-Career GPS helped guide him to create what was next for his career. Now, he’s here to help you do the same. Join him and his guests as they share their stories, strategies, and tips to help you create whatever is next so you can find a job you love or love the job you have.
The Mid-Career GPS Podcast
150: Mid-Career Leadership Strategies with Beki Fraser
Being a great leader is something many mid-career professionals aspire to be. Your leadership journey probably began with some kind of management function, and someone told you it was time to be in a leadership role.
Leadership is challenging, and it’s not for everyone. But if you are in a leadership role or want to be in one soon, today’s conversation is for you.
Today, you will meet Beki Fraser. Beki joins John to talk about what an introverted skeptic is, how they lead, and how they impact change. Plus, what it means to be a servant leader, how to handle self-talk, how to be seen, heard, and acknowledged in any room or meeting, and some of the biggest leadership challenges and mistakes for 2023.
Make sure to check out Beki’s book, C.O.A.C.H. Y.O.U. The Introverted Skeptic’s Guide to Leadership.
Connect with Beki Fraser – LinkedIn | Website | Book
Key Topics & Time Stamps:
· Introduction (0:00)
· Meet Beki Fraser (4:30)
· Beki’s Mid-Career Moment (5:30)
· The Introverted Skeptic (9:30)
· The Servant Leader (11:00)
· Beki’s C.O.A.C.H. Y.O.U. Strategies (13:15)
· Handling Self-Talk (17:30)
· Be Heard Even When You Whisper (21:00)
· Biggest Mistakes Mid-Career Leaders Are Making (27:15)
· Biggest Challenge for Mid-Career Leaders (28:30)
· Beki’s Advice to Help You Build Your Mid-Career GPS (30:30)
· Connect with Beki Fraser (31:40)
List of Resources:
· Get Your Free Guide - 5 Mistakes Mid-Career Professionals Make (And Need to Stop Doing)
· Your Mid-Career GPS – Four Steps to Figuring Out What’s Next by John Neral
· SHOW UP - Six Strategies to Lead a More E
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